Sunday, August 1, 2010

Streetcar Defense and the Museum Center at Union Terminal

Yesterday I read the opinion column of the Cincinnati Enquirer and saw that one of the readers wrote in to complain about the article of the Sheriff supporting the Streetcar. They said that the Sheriff was right to compare the Streetcar to the Cincinnati Metro because ridership for the Metro was down.

I want to say that I don't ride the Metro. Not that I never have but I have a car and just don't use it. I couldn't tell you the routes or times that are subject to change but I can tell you that I will ride the streetcar. This will be a new experience for a lot of people in Cincinnati who were not around when they got rid of the streetcars we did have. I travel between Uptown Clifton and Downtown Cincinnati a lot and would love to have the opportunity to hop on the line with a consistent path and schedule as opposed to driving downtown to try and find a distance spot, find change for a meter or lot and walk the rest of the way to my destination.

This Friday I was at the Museum Center at the Union Terminal downtown, a possible streetcar destination in the future. The Children's, Natural History, Cincinnati History and America I AM museums were free.

While I was in the Cincinnati History Museum I was excited to see the Streetcar that was part of the Clifton/Ludlow line. Climbing aboard was like going back in time but it was a little sad to see that it just now sits in a Museum exhibit outside of use. It's time to resurrect the Clifton Downtown streetcar line once again.

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