I know some progressives are not satisfied by Obama's first term because we didn't win Medicare for all, Cap and Trade or Immigration Reform. There are those that think we should get rid of credit default swaps, derivatives and break up the banks. I ask those folks to look at the circumstances of the last 4 years and the alternatives.
The leader of the Republicans in the Senate Mitch McConnell said his #1 goal was to make Obama a one term president. That is why the Republicans in the Senate fillibustered most of the legislation the Democrats in the House passed. People on the left didn't turn out in 2010 which allowed the Republicans to win back the House and make it more difficult for President Obama to pass the legislation he called for. The Republicans ran on Jobs but blocked the American Jobs Act.
The national debt was a concern before Obama took office and is a concern now but we were entering the worst recession since the great depression. Congress and the Bush administration had already bailed out Fannie, Freddie, AIG, Bear Stearns and all of the major banks.
Economists were telling him that we needed to stabilize the markets and increase consumer confidence. That is why Obama called on Congress to support a stimulus package on 2009 that would help citizens through tax cuts, help the states balance there budgets to avoid job cuts, help invest in green technology, help support the housing sector, the auto industry and invest in infrastructure. While this cost $787 billion some Economists, such as Paul Krugman, believed that the stimulus didn't go far enough and should have been 2 Trillion. Republicans tried to filibuster this but Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Spector broke ranks to support this. This action helped bring an end to the great recession at the beginning of 2010.
The recession hit us hard and we have had a slow recovery. People often do not realize that we have had 3 years of job growth since then. While unemployment is 7.9% this is down from 10%. The stock market doubled from it's low point and is higher than it was at the beginning of the recession. This is bucking the trend among developed countries. The unemployment rate in Italy and Spain is around 25%. We are expanding while the economies of our trading partners are contracting. That alone is a reason not to change leadership.
Also Romney wants to cut corporate tax rates, capital gains taxes and the tax rates on the rich. This will cost $5 Trillion on top of $2 Trillion in defense spending the pentagon is not calling for. This will be paid for by the middle class by eliminating tax write offs on housing, education and healthcare. This will disproportional hurt the poor through loss of benefits and loss of pell grants to help them earn an education to better their situations.
Romney doesn't support Lily Ledbetter, Contraceptive Rights, the Repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, Immigration Rights, his advisors support war with Iran and he has changed his positions on virtually everything. He says people can stay on their insurance with pre existing conditions but has no plan to cover them if he repeals the Affordable Healthcare Act. I have a hard time trusting someone that has changed their positions as much as Mitt Romney.
I like Jill Stein and some of what Gary Johnson stands for but I don't want Mitt Romney as our president. Our country can't afford it. That is why I voted for Barack Obama and you should too.
While I am not a fan of bailouts in general the unemployment rate in Ohio would be higher instead of lower than the national average had the auto bailout not taken place. The auto companies paid back the money they were loaned, fuel standards have increased and the industry is thriving again.
Josh Mandel said we should have let the auto industry go into bankruptcy. Not only that but he is highly funded by out of state Billionaires that are trying to privatize social security, turn Medicare into a voucher program, reduce regulations and continue the subsidizing of dirty non renewable energy.
Sherrod Brown supported the Dodd-Frank Bill. While I don't think this went far enough to regulate the banks that got us into the economic crisis Josh Mandel wants to get rid of the consumer protections that Congress did pass.
Also I support the fact that Sherrod Brown did not sign on to more trade deals. While these are good for the profits of multinational companies this often leads to outsourcing and job losses here at home.
Legislators should not be allowed to create their own districts. This creates a situation where they create districts that are not competitive and this reduces democratic representation. This would create an independent process to draw districts outside of the hands of legislators. Republicans are opposing this because they are currently in power but this will benefit them if the Democrats take back power. The important part is this will give choice to the voters of this state when selecting their representation.
Give council the time to govern the city so they don't spend all of their time campaigning for the next election.
I support Green Party Candidate Rich Stevenson for OH-1 because he supports restoring Glass-Steagall and overturning Citizens United. I do not support Steve Chabot. Democratic Candidate Jeff Sinnard did not set up a website or campaign for this seat. This used to be a competitive district. Gerrymandering added Warren County to the westside of Cincinnati. That is all the more reason to vote Yes on 2.
Additionally I support Issues 42- CPS Levy, Issue 50- Senior Services Levy and 51- Mental Health Services Levy. The state cut funds to these programs. The commissioners cut funds to these levys. None of these levys will raise your taxes. Taxes will actually go down even if they all pass. The services that they provide to the community are all still needed.